NTFE Professional Development Offerings
NTFE has three professional development models and a growing number of offerings.
We believe PD must be relevant, evidence-based, student-centered, and linked to teacher curriculum and instruction.
Our PD Models
This PD model is a train-the-trainer model, where a NTFE AT specialist will come to you. PD offering is linked to your unique need areas within your school, district, educational organization. NTFE follows up with post-analytics and offerings to fit your PD goals.
Pen Pal
This PD model can also follow a train-the-trainer model where a NTFE AT specialist will come to you and include a 3 or 6 month hybrid course PD to sustain learning and follow up PD questions and learning activities.
This PD model is completely online, either a webinar or eLearning solution that fits your PD goals. It can be over a period of time or be delivered as a one time PD event.
Professional Development Packages
Assistive Technology Samurai
Accommodations & Accessibility Using iOS & Chrome
Literacy Differentiation Using Technology
Teacher Entrepreneurs
In It for the Long Game- Technology Focused Educational Programs for College and/or Career
Emergent & Conventional Literacy Programs using Assistive Technology
Don't see a title here that fits with what you need? Get in touch with us to see if we can create an offering unique to your group.