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Our Services 



Finding what you need... 

Hybrid Solutions 

Who do we Serve?  

NTFE Service Summary​

  • Tailor a professional development offering to meet the needs of your teachers, students, and school district. 

  • Evaluate special education program technology initiatives and implement individualized tools to improve AT at your school, district, or within individual student programs.

  • Implement evidence based practices for students with multiple and/or sensory impairments

  • ​​All NTFE services are framed in the belief that development and learning must be sustainable, connected to your curriculum and student needs, evidence-based, hands-on, and innovative.

Program Evaluation

NTFE can conduct a comprehensive program evaluation of your current technology programs, whether school-wide or specific to special education. Through the program evaluation, NTFE can help drive technology plans, purchases, and grant writing. NTFE can assist with grant proposals and quarterly grant reporting. NTFE can also help support program evaluations regarding teacher learning and technology implementation with semester, annual or multi-year plans to meet your specific needs.
NTFE can work with schools, parents, and teachers to figure out individualized solutions to Assistive Technology needs for individual students, student groups, or school or district level programs. Consulting can take the form of: face-to-face AT evaluations and customizing solutions either with parents, teachers, or districts. 
Professional Development 
NTFE can facilitate and lead professional development workshops either face-to-face of hybrid. NTFE can also create individualized online learning modules to fit your program needs and continue to work with teacher groups over longer periods of time to add more support. Since one shot professional developments are seldom effective, NTFE is committed to creating sustainable professional development programs that will continue to grow with your program. NTFE can provide a detailed list of professional development offerings which schools or districts can pick and choose to meet specialized AT needs.  


Is NTFE professional development flexible?

Technology enables us to meet your training needs in multiple ways.  Our professional developments are available through web conferencing, face-to-face, or hybrid workshop models to meet your school or district needs.

Is NTFE professional development personalized? 

All of our professional development offerings will be individualized to meet the needs of your group of educators. Whether it's regarding a particular group of K-12 students or to help bring special educators up-to-date on the latest AT.

Are NTFE services affordable? 

Because technology makes it easy to work with one another face-to-face or at a distance, we can find a development plan that will meet your budget constraints.


Partnering with Educators & Families 

NTFE develops professional developments, consults and conducts program evaluations with schools, districts, community agencies, and higher education. Our AT and Special Education Consultants also partner with families and serves students to asses assistive technology needs both in and out of school helping promote AT use for learning, accommodations, and accessibility. 

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